News releases

GA Engineer Features UTC

Georgia Engineer Highlights First Graduate of Transportation Engineers of the Future

The August/September issue of The Georgia Engineer featured an article on Chester Thomas, the first graduate of the School of Civil and Environmental... More

TRB Recognizes Meyer

Michael D. Meyer is the recipient of the 2008 W.N. Carey Jr. Distinguished Service Award

Professor Michael D. Meyer is the recipient of the 2008 W.N. Carey Jr. Distinguished Service Award. Given by the Transportation Research Board of the... More

Students Win Awards

CEE Students Win Prestigious Transportation Awards

Over the past few months, several undergraduate and graduate students in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) have been awarded a... More

FTA Region IV Conference

CEE participates in conference held May 28-30 in the Loudermilk Center in downtown Atlanta

The Federal Transit Authority (FTA) Region IV Conference was held May 28-30 in the Loudermilk Center in downtown Atlanta. The event, which was co-... More

Best MS Thesis Award

Pete Jenior named 2008 recipient of the Milton Pikarsky Memorial Award for best MS Thesis

Pete Jenior, a recent graduate of the Civil Engineering master's degree program, was named the 2008 recipient of the Milton Pikarsky Memorial Award.... More

'Mileage Tax' Study

Dr. Guensler launches study on how metro Atlantans might react to a mileage-based congestion tax

Atlanta Business Chronical, August 24, 2007 Imagine being taxed for the privilege of getting stuck in Atlanta's rush hour traffic. You might start... More

High School Outreach Program

Transportation faculty and students lead a two-week high school camp in partnership with Fulton County

Dr. Michael Hunter and Dr. Laurie Garrow, both Assistant Professors at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, teamed up with Georgia Tech'... More