Transportation Faculty at Georgia Tech

Georgia Tech’s transportation-related programs are nationally recognized. Georgia Tech is the largest producer of engineers in the country, and is ranked as the fourth best engineering university in the nation (second best public university for engineering). Georgia Tech’s Civil and Environmental Engineering area is ranked #4, Industrial and Systems Engineering/Logistics area is ranked #1, City Planning is ranked #2 and Aeronautical Engineering is ranked #2. The diversity and strength of these programs provide students with the unique opportunity to specialize in many areas.

Recent research in environmental impacts, freight planning, intermodal transportation, geographic information systems, intersection operations, modal emissions modeling, infrastructure/asset management, traffic flow theory and travel behavior analysis reflect the range of research conducted by transportation researchers. The faculty expects the graduates of the program to be well educated on the latest concepts and ideas in the transportation community.

This page provides information on the core transportation faculty in the Civil Engineering – Transportation Systems group as well as information on faculty representatives from affiliate programs in City and Regional Planning, Computer Science, Economics, Industrial and Systems Engineering, and Public Policy. Click here to download a brochure about the Transportation Systems Program at Georgia Tech.

Core Transportation Faculty

Audrey F. Leous

Research Scientist I

Adjo Amekudzi


Infrastructure Management, Asset Management, Sustainability Planning and Evaluation.

Click here for personal website

Laurie A. Garrow

Associate Professor

Travel demand modeling, discrete choice modeling, air traveler behavior, public transportation, revenue management.

Personal website:

Randall Guensler


Transportation planning, vehicle activity monitoring, air quality modeling, environmental impact assessment, and environmental policy analysis.

Commute Atlanta Project

Atlanta Congestion Pricing Report

Michael Hunter


Traffic science and engineering, specializing in adaptive signal control, traffic simulation, freeway geometric design, and arterial corridor operations

Jorge Laval

Associate Professor

Traffic flow theory, numerical solution methods and simulation of traffic flow models, queuing theory in transportation and dynamic congestion pricing.

Link to personal website:

John Leonard

Associate Dean, College of Engineering

Technology policy in transportation, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), traffic operations and planning, traffic engineering and design, transportation safety, traffic modeling and simulation.

Link to personal website:

John Luh

Adjunct Professor

ITS design, traffic signal design, highway network evaluation, traffic engineering, and transportation planning

Michael Rodgers

Principal Scientist

Statistical and econometric analysis of vehicle emissions data, laboratory and field measurements of gaseous and particulate pollutants, instrument inter-comparison and quality assurance, vehicle emission rate modeling and model integration, remote sensing and instrumented vehicle work, and policy analysis

Frank Southworth

Principal Research Scientist

Transportation planning methods, freight and passenger demand and supply modeling, sustainable transportation systems and their supply chains, land-use transportation interaction, energy efficient urban form, public transit system planning and cost-benefit analysis

James Tsai

Associate Professor

Pavement/infrastructure/asset system engineering and management, pavement technology, information and sensor technology applications, image processing and recognition applications, geospatial analysis and GPS/GIS applications, emergency response and roadway safety, logistics and optimization.

Savannah website:

Kari Edison Watkins

Assistant Professor

Contacts for Affiliate Programs

Richard Fujimoto

Professor and Chair, College of Computing

Parallel and distributed simulation systems, telecommunications networks, aviation networks, military networks.

Personal website:

Gordon Kingsley

Associate Professor, Public Policy

Organizational theory, public administration, science and technology policy, environmental policy

Patrick McCarthy

Professor and Chair, Economics

Transportation economics, transportation safety, discrete choice analysis, public transit, applied econometrics, government regulation.

Lisa Rosenstein

Senior Academic Professional

Professional communications, technical writing, technical oral communication.

Click here for personal website.

Catherine Ross

Deputy Director

Megaregions, quality growth, land development, healthy places, community design and architecture, air quality and natural environment.

City and Regional Planning

Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development:

Chelsea "Chip" White

Logisitcs, freight, rail, trucking industry studies, freight industry studies, supply chain productivity and risk mitigation.