Gordon Kingsley

Associate Professor, Public Policy

Organizational theory, public administration, science and technology policy, environmental policy


Gordon Kingsley is an Associate Professor in the School of Public Policy at Georgia Tech where his teaching and research focus upon science and technology policy and public management. Dr. Kingsley's research examines the development and implementation of effective partnerships across the public, private and non-profit sectors. Current research projects explore the impacts of partnerships on the development and allocation of scientific and technical human capital. This work is being conducted in three policy domains examining the following:

  • The impact of educational partnerships between universities and K-12 schools on the development of math and science instructors and instruction
  • Strategies used by state transportation agencies for effectively managing large numbers of engineering consultants and contractors
  • The development of hybrid organizations and network organizations designed to stimulate technology-led economic development.

His research appears in journals such as Public Administration Review, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Policy Studies Journal, Public Performance and Management Review, Research Policy, Research Evaluation, Journal of Technology Transfer, Small Business Economics, and Evaluation and Program Planning. He has served as a consultant or researcher for the National Science Foundation, the Manufacturing Extension Partnership of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Office of Technology Policy in the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Office of Science in the U.S. Department of Energy, a Science Advisory Board of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USNet (a consortium of 15 state economic development agencies promoting manufacturing networks), the Ohio Department of Development, the Georgia Department of Transportation, Cosmos Corporation, and the Economic Development Institute at Georgia Tech.

The focus of his work is examining how the interactions of government agencies and the private sector firms shape two types of policy goals: the transfer and diffusion of technology and compliance with environmental regulations. This work has received sponsorship from the National Institute for Standards and Technology, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Army Environmental Policy Institute, and the New York State Research & Development Authority. His work has been accepted for publication in Research Policy, Evaluation and Program Planning, Policy Studies Journal and Public Productivity and Management Review.

Recent Publications


National Research Council (forthcoming, 2010). NOAA's Education Program: Review and Critique. Committee for the Review of the NOAA Education Program. John W. Farrington, and Michael Feder, Editors. Board on Science Education, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.


  • Gen, S. and Kingsley, G. 2007 "Effects of Contracting Out Engineering Services over Time in a State Department of Transportation." Public Works Management and Policy. 12, 331-343.
  • Feeney, M. and Kingsley, G. 2008. "The Rebirth of Patronage: Have We Come Full Circle?" Public Integrity, 10, 2, 165-176.
  • Ponomariov, B. and Kingsley, G. 2008. "Applicability of the Transaction Cost Normative Model of Strategic Outsourcing in the Public Sector: The Case of a State Transportation Agency." Public Organization Review, 8, 3, 253-272.
  • Basurto, X., Kingsley, G. McQueen, K, Smith, M. and Weible, C. 2009. "A Systematic Approach to Institutional Analysis: Applying Crawford and Ostrom's Grammatical Syntax." Political Research Quarterly. vol. 0: pp. 1065912909334430v1
  • Lee, S. and Kingsley, G. 2009. "The Impact of Relational Factors on Contracting Management in Public Organizations." Review of Public Personnel Administration, 29: 270-292.
  • Chinowsky, P. and Kingsley, G. "Evaluation of Qualifications-Based Selection in Project Success". Submitted to the Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Practice. Submitted.
  • Jones, J., Weible, C., Kingsley, G. and Spivey, W. "Government Contracting: Understanding Patterns of Centrality over Time". Revise and resubmit to the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. Submitted.
  • Kingsley, G. and Lee, S. "Outsourcing core and non-core activities: a study of alternative strategies for building managerial capacity." Submitted to Public Productivity and Management Review. Submitted.
  • Kingsley, G. and Ponomariov, B. "Searching for Patterns of Competitive and Relational Contracting over Time: Do Prime and Subcontractor Networks Follow Similar Patterns?" 2nd Revise and Resubmit to the Journal for Policy Analysis and Management. Submitted.
  • Ponomariov, B. and Kingsley, G. "Internal Adaptations Under Outsourcing and the Development of a Relational Orientation Amongst Public Managers." Revise and resubmit to the Journal of Public Procurement. Submitted.


Feeney, M.K. and Kingsley, G. 2008. "The Rebirth of Patronage: Have We Come Full Circle?" Public Integrity, 10, 2:165-176.


Chinowsky, P.S. and Kingsley, G. An Analysis of Issues Pertaining to Qualifications-Base Selection. A national study developed at the request of the American Public Works Association (APWA) and the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC).

Recent Presentations


  • Kingsley, G. "Accounting for Partnerships in Evaluation: A Workshop Presentation for the COSEE Council." Washington, DC. 1/25/2007.
  • Kingsley, G. 2007. "Transformative partnerships and strategies for evaluation in STEM education." Presentation to the principal investigators and project teams for the Montana Title IIB grant program. September, 2007.


  • Weible, C., Kingsley, G., Jones, J. and Spivey, W. 2007. "Mapping Privatization: Relating Formal and Informal Networks among Professional Service Contractors". Presented at the Association of Public Policy and Management National Meeting, Washington, DC, November, 8-10, 2007.
  • Chirico, J., Dickson, A., Kingsley, G. and Weible, C. 2008. "How do Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Measure Up in Government Contracting?" Presented at the Association of Public Policy and Management meeting in Los Angeles, CA, November 7, 2008.
  • Lee, S. and Kingsley, G. 2008. "Optimizing Contracting-out for Technical Services in Government: An Economy of Scope Strategy." Presented at the American Society of Public Administration meeting Dallas, TX March, 2008