Laurie A. Garrow

Associate Professor

Travel demand modeling, discrete choice modeling, air traveler behavior, public transportation, revenue management.

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Professor Laurie Garrow's research addresses the development and application of advanced models of travel demand that integrate discrete choice, econometric, and market research methods to enhance understanding of travel behavior. Dr. Garrow earned her Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at Northwestern University, with an emphasis on travel demand modeling and airline passenger behavior. Her dissertation won first prize in the 2004 Aviation Applications Section of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) and honorable mention in the 2004 Eric Pas dissertation competition sponsored by the International Association of Travel Behavior Research (IATBR). She is the 2009 recipient of the Council of University Transportation Centers-American Road & Transportation Builders Association (CUTC-ARTBA) New Faculty Member Award, one of the most prestigious awards given to an untenured faculty member in transportation that recognizes research and teaching contributions. Her teaching contributions have also been recognized via the institute-level award given by the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, namely the CETL-BP Junior Faculty Teaching Excellence Award. She is also the recipient of a CAREER award that was jointly funded in 2009 by two programs at NSF - the Decision, Risk and Management Sciences Program and the Service Enterprise Systems Program.

Dr. Garrow has published articles on airline passengers' behavior, discrete choice methods, and studies that integrate discrete choice methods with urban planning or operations research problems. She is author of Discrete Choice Models of Air Travel Demand: Theory and Application, a text published in 2010. Dr. Garrow serves on the editorial boards of Transportation Research Part B, Transportation, and the Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management. Dr. Garrow has five years of industry experience, including four years as an analyst in the Research and Development Revenue Management Group of United Airlines and one year as an analyst in the Customer Science Unit of Mercer Management Consulting.

Recent Publications



  • Garrow, L.A. (2010). Discrete Choice Modelling and Air Travel Demand: Theory and Applications. Ashgate Publishing: Aldershot, United Kingdom.

  • Southworth, F. and Garrow, L.A. Travel demand modelling. Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. (acccepted).

  • Garrow, L.A. Customer behaviour. Quantitative Problem Solving Methods in the Airline Industry: A Modeling Methodology Handbook. Part of the Fred Hillier International Series on Operations Research and Management Sciences. Eds. C. Barnhart and B. Smith. Norwell, MA: Springer. Submitted June, 2010; comments received and revision in progress.


  • Lee, M., Khelifa, A., Garrow, L., Bierlaire, M., and Post, D. Multi-choice threshold models: An analysis of destination choice for opaque destination airline products. <em>Transportation Research Part A. Submitted October, 2010.

  • Luken, B. and Garrow, L.A. Multi-airport choice models for the New York metropolitan area based on revealed preference online purchase data. Transportation Research Record. First submission July, 2010; second submission August 2010.

  • Garrow, L.A., Kressner, J. and Mumbower, S.M. Is increasing airline denied boarding compensation limits the answer?: A review of factors that contribute to denied boardings. Journal of Air Transport Management. Submitted July, 2010.

  • Garrow, L.A., Hotle, S. and Mumbower, S.M. Assessment of product de-bundling trends in the US airline industry: Implications for customer service and the Airport and Airways Trust Fund. Transportation Research Part A. Submitted July, 2010.

  • Mumbower, S. and Garrow, L.A. (accepted). Using online data to explore competitive airline pricing policies: A case study approach. Transportation Research Record.

  • Lee, S., Garrow, L.A., Higbie, J. A., Keskinocak, P., and Koushik, D. (accepted). Do you really know who your customers are?: A study of U.S. retail hotel demand. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management. DOI: 10.1057/rpm.2009.8.

  • Garrow, L.A. and Ferguson, M.E. (accepted). Satisfying the C-Suite: What C-Level Officers Expect and Need. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management.

  • Graham, R.J., Garrow, L.A. and Leonard, J.D. (2010). Business travelers' refund and exchange behavior. Journal of Air Transport Management 16(4): 196-201. DOI: 10.1016/j.jairtraman.2009.12. 002.

  • Garrow, L.A., Bodea, T.D. and Lee, M. (2010). Generation of synthetic datasets for discrete choice analysis. Transportation, 37(2): 183-202. DOI: 10.1007/s11116-009-9228-6.

  • Garrow, L.A. and Ferguson, M.E. (2010). Take advantage of uncertainty: Play for position as the economy rebounds. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 9(3): 282-288. DOI: 10.1057/rpm.2009.51.

  • Pope, S., Garrow, L., Guin, A., Leonard, J., Bankston, L. and Campbell, P. (2009). A conceptual framework for collecting online airline pricing data: Challenges, opportunities, and preliminary results. Transportation Research Record 2016: 30-37. DOI: 10.3142/2106-04.

  • Bodea, T.D., Garrow, L.A., Meyer, M.D., and Ross, C.L. (2009). Socio-demographic and built environment influences on the odds of being overweight or obese: The Atlanta experience. Transportation Research Part A 43: 430-444. DOI:10.1016/j.tra.2008.11.009.

  • Bodea, T.D., Ferguson, M.E., and Garrow, L.A. (2009). Choice-based revenue management: Data from a major hotel chain. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 11(2): 356-361.DOI: 10.1287/msom.1080.0231.

  • Garrow, L.A. (2009). Online travel data: A goldmine of new opportunities. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 8(2/3): 247-254. DOI:10.1057/rpm.2008.55.

  • Garrow, L.A. and Ferguson, M.E. (2009). Staying ahead of the curve: Using revenue management to help survive an economic downturn. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 8(2/3): 279-286. DOI:10.1057/rpm.2008.61.

  • Henclewood, D., Smith, M., Garrow, L., Guin, A., Hunter, M., and Usselman, M. (2009). Building engineering achievement through transportation (BEAT): A traffic engineering program for high school students. In proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Southeastern Section Annual Conference, Marietta, GA, pp. 1-10.

  • Shrago, M., Garrow, L., and Usselman, M. (2009). Civil engineers design high school statistics tasks. In proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Southeastern Section Annual Conference, Marietta, GA, pp. 1-7.

  • Bhat, C., Garrow, L. and Mokhtarian, P. (2008). Frank Koppelman's contributions and legacy to the travel demand modeling field. Transportation Research Part B 42(3): 185-190. DOI: 10.1016/j.trb.2007.09.001.

  • Bodea, T.D., Garrow, L.A., Meyer, M.D., and Ross, C.L. (2008). Explaining obesity with urban form: A cautionary tale. Transportation 35(2): 179-199. DOI: 0.1007/s11116-007-9148-2.

  • Brandstetter, T., Garrow, L.A., Hunter, M.P., and Southworth, F. (2008). Modeling altruistic and aggressive driver behavior in a no-notice evacuation. In proceedings of the 87th meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.,pp. 1-21.

  • Garrow, L.A. and Ferguson, M.E. (2008). Revenue management and the analytics explosion: Perspectives from industry experts. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 7(2): 219-229. DOI: 10.1057/rpm.2008.3.

  • Iliescu, D.C., Garrow, L.A., and Parker, R.A. (2008). A hazard model of U.S. airline passengers' refund and exchange behavior. Transportation Research Part B 42(3): 229-242. DOI: 10.1016/j.trb.2007.10.005.

Recent Presentations



  • Ferguson, M., Garrow, L., Meterelliyoz, M. and Newman, J. (April, 2010). Choice-based revenue management: Methods and application. SAS, Cary, NC.

  • Garrow, L. (March, 2010). Overview of airline passenger behavior modeling at Georgia Tech. Invited Presentation, Air Canada, Montreal, Canada.

  • Garrow, L. (February, 2010). Airline passenger's online search and purchase behaviors: New insights from an interactive pricing model. Invited presentation, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto.

  • Garrow, L. (April, 2009). Overview of U.S. travel demand modeling. Invited presentation, Cluj-Napoca Technical University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

  • Garrow, L. (March, 2009). Airline passengers’ online search and purchase behaviors. Invited presentation, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin.

  • Garrow, L. (January, 2009). Applications of discrete choice models to the airline itinerary problem. Guest lecture in IOE591: Airline Operations Research, a graduate course in the Industrial Engineering and Operations Engineering Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

  • Garrow, L. (January, 2009). Aviation application of discrete choice models: Past, present, and future research directions. Invited presentation sponsored by the Sloan Foundation to the Industrial Engineering and Operations Engineering Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

  • Garrow, L. (June, 2008). Applications of discrete choice models to airline revenue management. Invited presentation to the Operations Research Group, British Airways, United Kingdom.

  • Garrow, L. (June, 2008). Timing is everything: Airline passengers' cancellation behavior. Invited presentation at the Air Transport Workshop, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, United Kingdom.

  • Garrow, L. (June, 2008). Latest issues in the U.S. aviation industry. Invited presentation to the Transport Studies Group, Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, United Kingdom.

  • Garrow, L. (May, 2008). Current research in air travel behavior. Invited presentation to the Operations Research Group, American Airlines, Dallas, TX.


  • Lee, M., Khelifa, A., Bierlaire, M., Garrow, L. and Post, D. (November, 2010). Multi-choice models based on minimum thresholds: An analysis of destination choice for flexible airline products. Presented at the national meeting of the Institute of Operations Research and the Management Sciences, Austin, Texas.

  • Newman, J., Ferguson, M., and Garrow, L. (November, 2010). Multi-product revenue management: Methods and application. Presented at the national meeting of the Institute of Operations Research and the Management Sciences, Austin, Texas.

  • Ferguson, M., Garrow, L., Meterelliyoz, M. and Newman, J. (November, 2010). Choice-based revenue management: Methods and application. Presented at the national meeting of the Institute of Operations Research and the Management Sciences, Austin, Texas.

  • Henclewood, D., Smith, M., Garrow, L., Guin, A., Hunter, M. and Usselman, M. (October, 2010). Building Engineering Achievement through Transportation (BEAT): A Traffic Engineering Program for High School Students. Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education 9th Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, Singapore.

  • Newman, J., Ferguson, M., Garrow, L. (September, 2010). New Methods for Solving the Choice Based Revenue Problem using Marginal Log Likelihood Functions. Presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Nice, France.

  • Garrow, L. (September, 2010). Assessment of product debundling trends in the US airline industry: Customer service and public policy implications. Presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Nice, France.

  • Ferguson, M. Garrow, L. Newman, J. and Meterelliyoz, M. (September, 2010). Multi-resource revenue management with upgrades: A comparison of EMSR-based and choice-based algorithms. Presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Nice, France.

  • Luken, B. and Garrow, L. (June, 2010). Using online data to investigate airline passengers' multi-airport choices. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT), Budapest, Hungary.

  • Mumbower, S. and Garrow, L. (June, 2010). Using online data to explore competitive airline pricing policies. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT), Budapest, Hungary.

  • Henclewood, D., Smith, M., Garrow, L., Guin, A., Hunter, M., and Usselman, M. (June, 2010). Building engineering achievement through transportation (BEAT): A traffic engineering program for high school students. Presented at the national meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky.

  • Ferguson, M., Garrow, L. and Meterelliyoz, M. (October, 2009). Integrating choice-based models with capacity-based RM routines for a hotel. Presented at the national meeting of the Institute of Operations Research and the Management Sciences, San Diego, California.

  • Lee. M., Garrow, L., and Post, D. (October, 2009). Markov-based models of airline customers' online search and purchase behaviors. Presented at the national meeting of the Institute of Operations Research and the Management Sciences, San Diego, California.

  • Lee, M. and Garrow, L. (September, 2009). Airline customers' online search and purchase behavior for discounted fare products. Presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Atlanta, GA.

  • Ferguson, M., Garrow, L. and Meterelliyoz, M. (September, 2009). A new methodology for solving the no purchase problem in choice-based revenue management. Presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Atlanta, GA.

  • Meterelliyoz, M., Ferguson, M. and Garrow, L. (June, 2009). Integrating choice-based models with capacity-based RM routines for a hotel. Presented at the 9th Annual Revenue Management and Pricing Section Conference of the Institute of Operations Research and the Management Science, Evanston, IL.

  • Ferguson, M. and Garrow, L. (May, 2009). Integrating choice-based models with capacity-based RM routines. Presented at the Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies Revenue Management Study Group, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • Garrow, L. and Lee, M. (April, 2009). Airline customers' online search and purchase behavior for discount fare products. Presented at the Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies Scheduling and Strategic Planning Study Group, Hellenic Aviation Society, Athens, Greece. Winner of "best presentation" award.

  • Lee, M., Garrow, L. and Post, D. (January, 2009). Airline customers' searching and purchasing behavior. Paper presented at the 88th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

  • Castillo, M., Garrow, L. and Lee, M. (October, 2008). Optimal search and purchase behavior of strategic customers under deadlines. Presented at the national meeting of the Institute of Operations Research and the Management Sciences, Washington, D.C.

  • Garrow, L. and Pope, S. (October, 2008). Pricing practices in the US airline industry. Presented at the national meeting of the Institute of Operations Research and the Management Sciences, Washington, D.C.

  • Lee, M., Garrow, L. and Post, D. (October, 2008). Airline customers' searching and purchasing behavior. Presented at the national meeting of the Institute of Operations Research and the Management Sciences, Washington, D.C.

  • Lee, M., Castillo, M. and Garrow, L. (June, 2008). When to buy a ticket. Presented at the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Revenue Management and Pricing Section, Montreal, CA.

  • Lee, M., Garrow, L. and Post, D. (June, 2008). Markov-based models of airline passengers' searching and purchasing behavior. Presented at the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Revenue Management and Pricing Section, Montreal, CA.

  • Garrow, L. and Pope, S. (May, 2008). Airline pricing behavior: Analysis of competitive responses in U.S. markets. Presented at the Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies Scheduling and Strategic Planning Study Group, Southwest Airlines, Dallas, TX.