Traffic flow theory, numerical solution methods and simulation of traffic flow models, queuing theory in transportation and dynamic congestion pricing.
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Associate Professor
Traffic flow theory, numerical solution methods and simulation of traffic flow models, queuing theory in transportation and dynamic congestion pricing.
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Dr. Laval is an Assistant Professor at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Laval obtained his B.S. in Civil and Industrial Engineering from Uiversidad Catolica de Chile (1995), his M.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley (2001), and his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley (2004).
Prior to joining Georgia Tech doctor Laval held two consecutive Postdoc positions at the Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Berkeley, and at the French National Institute for Safety and Transportation Research (INRETS). After obtaining his B.S. he worked as a transportation engineer for five years at the Chilean Ministry of Public Works, where he conducted numerous traffic and revenue studies for urban and inter-urban road concessions. Dr. Laval serves on the editorial board Transportation Research Part B.