Adjo Amekudzi


Infrastructure Management, Asset Management, Sustainability Planning and Evaluation.

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Adjo Amekudzi is an Associate Professor at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. She earned a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Stanford University (1994), an M.S. in Civil Engineering (Transportation) from Florida International University (1996), an M.S. in Civil Infrastructure Systems (1997), and a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering (1999) from Carnegie Mellon University. Professor Amekudzi joined the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering in 1999.

Professor Amekudzi studies systems problems related to the integrated built and natural environment with the objective of improving investment decision making for built systems. Her research currently focuses on three areas:

  • Environmentally-conscious planning
  • Evaluation of infrastructure sustainability
  • Infrastructure asset management

These areas are important for improving planning and decision-making for infrastructure facilities and systems in order to advance the economic and social development of communities, while preserving environmental conditions to enable such development to continue. Professor Amekudzi has published over 30 papers on these subjects, served on several boards and panels contributing expert knowledge on these subjects, and received notable awards and honors recognizing her contributions in these concentration areas. Professor Amekudzi is actively involved in course development in these areas.

Professor Amekudzi chairs the ASCE Infrastructure Systems Committee and is on the editorial board of the ASCE Infrastructure Systems Journal. She is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Transportation Research Board, the American Society for Engineering Education and the American Public Works Association. Professor Amekudzi also serves as the faculty advisor for the Georgia Tech's chapters of the Engineering Students without Borders (ESWB) and the Women's Transportation Seminar (WTS).

Recent Publications


  • Amekudzi, A. Asset Management. Book chapter in Institute of Transportation Engineers' Planning Handbook. Editor: M. Meyer, 2009.
  • Ross, Catherine L., Amekudzi, Adjo and Barringer, Jason. Mobility in the Megaregion. Book Chapter in Megaregions: Frontiers in Spatial Planning. Editors: Catherine Ross and Cheryl K. Contant. 2009.
  • Infrastructure Reporting and Asset Management. Best Practices and Opportunities. Adjo Amekudzi and Sue McNeil (Eds.). American Society of Civil Engineering, 2008.


  • Khayesi, M., and A. Amekudzi. Application of Kingdon's Model to Explain Automobile Dependency Path Reversal: The Case of Curitiba, Brazil, 1880-2000. Journal of Transport Geography. Submitted: October 2010.
  • Amekudzi, A.; Fischer, J.; Khayesi, M.; Khisty, C.J.; and S. O. Asiama. Risk-Theoretical Foundations for Setting Sustainable Development Priorities: A Global Perspective. International Journal of Sustainable Development. Submitted: August 2010.
  • Amekudzi, Adjo; Shelton, Rebecca and Bricker, T. The Infrastructure Rating Tool: Using Decision Support Tools to Enhance the ASCE Infrastructure Reporting Process. Under Review. ASCE Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering and Education. Submitted: June, 2009.
  • Jeon, Christy; Adjo Amekudzi and Randall Guensler. Sustainability Assessment at the Planning Level: Performance Measures and Indexes. Transport Policy. Submitted: January 2009.
  • Fischer, Jamie and Adjo Amekudzi. Quality of Life, Sustainable Infrastructures and Sustainable Development. ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development, Forthcoming.
  • Meyer, Michael; Amekudzi, Adjo; and J. P. O'Har. Transportation Asset Management Systems and Climate Change: Adaptive Systems Management Approach. Transportation Research Record, 2180, pp. 12-20, 2010.
  • Jeon, Christy; Adjo Amekudzi and Randall Guensler. Evaluating Plan Alternatives for Transportation System Sustainability: Atlanta Metropolitan Region. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. Vol. 4, Issue 4, July 2010, pp. 227-247.
  • Amekudzi, Adjo; Li, Lisha and Michael Meyer. Cultivating Research and Information Skills Civil Engineering Undergraduate Students. ASCE Journal of Professional Issues in Education and Practice, January 2010.
  • Morallos, Dorothy; Amekudzi, Adjo; Ross, Catherine and Michael Meyer. Value for Money Analysis in U.S. Transportation Public-Private Partnerships. Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol. 2115, pp. 27-36, 2009.
  • Amekudzi, A.; Khisty, C. J. and M. Khayesi. Using the Sustainability Footprint Model to Assess Development Impacts of Transportation Systems. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 43, Issue 3, May 2009, pp. 339-348.
  • Morallos, Dorothy and Adjo Amekudzi. The State of the Practice of Value of Money (VfM) Analysis in Comparing Public Private Partnerships to Traditional Procurements. Public Works Management & Policy. Vol. 13. No. 2, 2008.

Recent Presentations


  • Invited Seminar: Risk-Theoretical Foundations for Sustainable Development Priorities: A Global Perspective, Department of Systems Engineering and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Virginia, October 15, 2010.
  • Invited Workshop: ASCE Workshop for Professional Certification in Sustainable Engineering, (Workshop to develop curriculum content for five fundamental courses for professional certification in Sustainable Engineering), ASCE Headquarters, Reston, VA, September 24-25, 2010.
  • Invited Seminar: Using Sustainability Resource and Waste Footprints to Evaluate Progress toward Transportation Systems Sustainability. Engineering Sustainability 2009: Innovations that Span Boundaries, Pittsburgh, PA, April, 2009.
  • Invited Panel: What can Educational Institutions do to Meet the Challenges? 21st Century Transportation Workforce Summit, National Center for Freight and Infrastructure, University of Wisconsin, Madison, December 8-9, 2008.
  • Invited Panel: Education Infrastructure, African Technology Conference, Accra, Ghana, July 17, 2008.


  • Fischer, J., and A. Amekudzi. Quality of Life, Sustainable Infrastructures and Sustainable Development. 2010 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2010.
  • Barrella, E., Amekudzi, A., Meyer, M., Ross, C., and D. Turchetta. Best Practices and Common Approaches for Considering Sustainability at U.S. Departments of Transportation. 2010 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2010.
  • Pei, Y., Amekudzi, A., Meyer, M., Barrella, E., and Ross, C. Performance Measurement Frameworks and the Development of Effective Sustainable Transportation Strategies and Indicators. 2010 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2010.
  • Meyer, M., Amekudzi, A., and J.P. O'Har. Transportation Asset Management and Climate Change: An Adaptive Systems Approach. 2010 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., Januaary, 2010.
  • Oliver-Commey, Yolanda and Adjo Amekudzi (2009). Factors Influencing the Success of Road Pricing Schemes in the Context of Urban Area Sustainability. Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board - CDROM, Washington, D. C., January 2009.
  • Barrella, E. and Amekudzi, A. (2009). Common Approaches to Sustainable Transportation at State DOTs. Georgia Planning Association (GPA) Fall Conference, Athens, Georgia, September 30-October 2, 2009.
  • Barrella, E. and Amekudzi, A. (2009). Sustainable Transportation Best Practices. Georgia Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Summer Seminar, St. Simon's Island, Georgia, July 19-22, 2009.
  • Morallos, Dorothy; Amekudzi, Adjo; Ross, Catherine and Michael Meyer (2009). Review of Value of Money (VfM Analysis) for Comparing Public Private Partnerships to Traditional Procurements. 2009 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C., January 2009.
  • Oliver-Commey, Yolanda and Adjo Amekudzi (2009). Factors Influencing the Success of Road Pricing Schemes in the Context of Urban Area Sustainability. 2009 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C., January 2009.
  • Amekudzi, A.A. and C.J. Khisty. (2008). Sustainability Footprints, Calculus and Infrastructure Systems Evaluation. 2008 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board - CDROM, Washington, D.C., January 2008.
  • Jeon, C.M.; Amekudzi, A.A. and R. Guensler. (2008) Sustainability Assessment at the Transportation Planning Level: Performance Measures and Indexes. 2008 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C., January 2008.
  • Morallos, Dorothy and Adjo Amekudzi. (2008) Review of Value for Money Analysis for Comparing Public-Private Partnerships with Traditional Procurements. 2008 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C., January 2008.