Urban Transportation: Developments and Progress toward Livable Cities


An overview of several stages of transportation/city relationships will be followed by a review of transportation modes and their characteristics. Serious problems of traffic congestion and methods for achieving a balanced transportation system, particularly between private cars and public transportation, will be defined. Bus, rail and automated modes will be reviewed. Valuable lessons from successes and mistakes will be described and illustrated by examples from many world cities and different countries. Great need for better understanding of the complex problems of urban transportation will be emphasized. The final focus will be on a review of methods for achieving more efficient and sustainable solutions - balanced transportation systems.

Vukan R. Vuchic

Dr. Vuchic is Emeritus Professor of Transportation Systems Engineering andof City and Regional Planning at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.  He obtained his M.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California at Berkeley (1965-66).

Dr. Vuchic founded the graduate program in Transportation Systems Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania in 1967. He has also lectured at 90 other universities and at many professional conferences. His research, focusing mostly on urban transportation systems, planning and policies, has been published in the “Transit Trilogy:” Transportation for Livable Cities (1999), Urban Transit Operations, Planning and Economics (2005), and Urban Transit Systems and Technology (2007). Several of these books have been translated into Japanese, Serbian, Russian, Chinese and Turkish languages.

Dr. Vuchic has been consultant to US Department of Transportation, cities of Belgrade, Beijing, Lima, Naples, Perth, Philadelphia, Rome, Singapore and others, as well as to many public transport agencies, includingNew York, San Francisco, Toronto and Washington.

In 1982 Vuchic became the first recipient of the "Dr. Friedrich Lehner Medal" in Germany. In 1990 he was awarded the University of Pennsylvania's UPS Foundation Chair in Transportation. In 1994 he was elected Foreign Member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. In 2006, he became Foreign Member of the Russian Academy for Architecture and Construction Sciences.

Professor Vuchic retired in 2010, andin 2011 he received aHonoris Causa Doctors Degree from theConservatoire National des Arts et Metiers University in Paris.