The goal of the data preparation element of the project will be to summarize the second-by-second Commute Atlanta instrumented vehicle data and create data subsets that can be used in various research activities. However, the data must be processed in such a manner that ensures the confidentiality of the data will not be breached. A data set will be compiled from approximately 100 households for which complete household and vehicle level data are available over the study period. These data will be processed for use in household-level travel behavior analysis. In the household-level data set, detailed travel summaries will be retained (trip time, date, distance, duration, origin zone, destination zone, trip purpose, etc.), and these data will be linked to household demographic characteristics. A second data set will be prepared for corridor-level data analysis. This data set will be comprised of segments of second-by-second data taken from approximately 300 vehicles, where the data are directly linked to specific travel corridors of interest (freeways and major arterials).
Value Pricing Data Analysis of HOV Lane Conversion
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta