
Freight Performance Measures: Trucking in Georgia

Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta

Well developed performance measures benefit planners by providing the information they need to make decisions. The performance of the State’s trucking sector is multi-faceted, and must respect both private and public sector needs. Decisions that affect truck mobility, access, and on-time reliability can be controversial and need to be supported by quantitative, understandable, and comparable measures of performance. Trucking information resides in a number of different databases, and is collected by GDOT and others in a variety of ways. These sources need to be identified and a plan developed for using them in performance measurement.

The objective of this research is to help GDOT better plan for truck movements within the State. The project will:

  • Develop a set of performance metrics that GDOT can use to evaluate and track trucking industry performance and its impacts on the State’s economy over time
  • Identify and assess how well existing GDOT and other data sources support the proposed performance metrics
  • Identify methods and the level of effort required for collecting data to support improved performance measurement in the future.

Measures of travel time reliability will receive special attention, as will the operation of the State’s high volume, long haul trucking corridors and their linkages to within-state seaports and rail intermodal facilities.